Friday, December 14, 2012

The Understanding of the Human Anatomy (Part 1/Skeleton,Deltoid and Buttocks)

Well the first step of gaining an understanding about fundamentals, for characters or human drawing, is to understand the basic structure of the human figure, here I show my scanned sheets of paper which I did in september, in this part I show the basic skeleton Proportions of a human body of 8 heads, with just the use of thrust lines, the simplified form is neccesary in order to achieve speed and understanding.

Here I Finished the skeleton schemes and get onto the muscles, I started with the deltod, which in further images, will share the 3 main views for 3d representation, front ,side and back.

 Here is time for the buttocks muscles, which cointain the gluteous maximus and gluteous medius.

Not mention at this part I was almost insane because, I just stayed alone, but the will overreached that feeling, the patience made me a great favour in keep myself learning!. Never Give Up!

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