Saturday, February 2, 2013

Parasoul Animation ([Old work] :: May 2012)

 Here is a little work I've never posted the wips, well I'm gonna show the steps I did to get the final animation of Parasoul from Skullgirls breathing,
Visit their page is an awesome fighting game, and is comming to PC this 2013

1. Well I did first the animation freehand, I didn't use vectors or any program more than Photoshop and some layers to separate the frames. Here as you can see, I tried to simulate the original physics of the game while Parasoul is standing in guard, the boobs bouncing was just too amazing in the game and I tried to emulate it, I failed and I decided to take it off.

2. No more Bouncing, I just cleaned the lineart and I added more frames and a better timing.

3- Base colour, I wanted to see how it looks with the bouncing effect but didn't conviced me

4. More Faster? nop, well in this phase I was just experimenting I kind of like some frames and some don't, it was a really joyfull moment!

5. Cleaned up and effects and shading added. 10 hours to this point, again I wanted to see how good was the bouncing effect on her but, it was not enough, so I get rid of it.

6- Finished (10 hours frame by frame drawn by hand, no vectors no timeline, just freehand).

Keep on!

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