Sunday, February 24, 2013

CG Painter practice Feb 24th, 2013

Movie stills, really quick ones, 1 layer each, Is intresting how Pixar develops lighting, so direct and deep, they are a good inspiration!
The incredibles Movie Pixar Disney rights.

Monday, February 18, 2013

CG painting practice, Feb 18th, 2013

CG Painter practice, this time a movie still, really fun and enjoyable! as all paintings are.
Again some enviroment discoveries over fleshy paint, kind of tricky, but you should manage your priority, non other end but practice, all respective rights to their owners, I don't claim anything.
1 Layer.

Process: (worry about the enviroment.)

Dictate has been completed.

Keep On!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

CG Painting, Feb 10th, 2013

Break down of the process from a statue painting, 2 layers and 2 hours total, photoshop as always.

 Taking Shape
Final Touches...

Dictate has been completed.
Keep ON!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

CG Painting Feb 9th, 2013

"My life depends of how much fame I will get."
"How much money I can earn."
"I just do what I like because that was the only think that I was born to do."
"The life is just becoming as my idols."
"Do you know how many things will change in my life if I'm rich and famous? everything will be fixed, I don't have to be worried about anything, anymore, no more pain, no more questions."
"My family will be happy and me too."
"When that moment comes, I'm gonna live the happiness."

Sarcasm oviously ... - divisory line-

What happens when you lose all the things that give any sense to your life?
We as innocent spirits tend to forget the essence of what we are, even, when we are? or who we are?
The life complex is incredibly hard for trying to understand or predict it, so after the incident, what is left to us?
There are things we must accept and we refuse to know, like the control of the situation, we maybe have courage but there are things that just won't happen ever. So ... is that bad trying to follow a dream? is the world versus our dreams that we seem to look how they vanish as the waves do in the beach sand?
Have you ever felt the light in the cold morning striking your face or hands?, have you ever wonder what is that "thing" that you look in those tree branches full of birds which sing as if there were not tomorrow, and sounds like little kids in a kindergarden singing with their friends.
Have you ever cried so hard that you wish you have your best friend hand in your shoulder?
Emotions are natural, as season changes, people tends to think that they know everything when they don't know anything, that's the human nature, dreams are a great chance for achieving the truth, but there is no sense in following the dreams while their end is based in superfluous matter, as money or fame.
So what we are left with?
Some people live in the past, and another in the future, and the now is just forgotten.
I know we live in a comertial world so make a good living depends in being as good as you can in what is your passion, but is important to do what you like, a warrior does not give up in what he does, he finds the love in what he does.
There is not a better person or a bad person, you will never be better, as the same as you will never be wrost.

The day we understand how to live the today, we will be closer to the truth and happiness.

Being happy is not living with a smile in your face and drinking and partying everyday in your life, or have a ton of people beside you who you like to call friends but when the moment comes they become strangers ... (for crap sake I have met people who think that is life).
The life is your training, is your most valuable teacher, life is choice, you can choice being a victim or anything you want, there is just that burning desire which lives in the spirit whitin you.
Your inspiration will not be another humans dream, nethier other human related things, but the beauty of the life nature itself.
Everything happens for a reason, and is up to you to find it.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Perspective 1 Vanishing Point (Part A)

Here is the practice of 1 point perspective Basics.
Some Basic principles and applications, some new terms for me even I tought I knew it, but it does not matter, there is nothing more important than the fundamentals on the work, the stronger it can be the better will be for the work.
I hope I can finish all the lectures at least in this month and I'll be sure to upload the process.

Keep on!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Parasoul Animation ([Old work] :: May 2012)

 Here is a little work I've never posted the wips, well I'm gonna show the steps I did to get the final animation of Parasoul from Skullgirls breathing,
Visit their page is an awesome fighting game, and is comming to PC this 2013

1. Well I did first the animation freehand, I didn't use vectors or any program more than Photoshop and some layers to separate the frames. Here as you can see, I tried to simulate the original physics of the game while Parasoul is standing in guard, the boobs bouncing was just too amazing in the game and I tried to emulate it, I failed and I decided to take it off.

2. No more Bouncing, I just cleaned the lineart and I added more frames and a better timing.

3- Base colour, I wanted to see how it looks with the bouncing effect but didn't conviced me

4. More Faster? nop, well in this phase I was just experimenting I kind of like some frames and some don't, it was a really joyfull moment!

5. Cleaned up and effects and shading added. 10 hours to this point, again I wanted to see how good was the bouncing effect on her but, it was not enough, so I get rid of it.

6- Finished (10 hours frame by frame drawn by hand, no vectors no timeline, just freehand).

Keep on!